Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Merci Mille Fois a Sandra, Michelle, et Jean-Louis

I am very grateful to have wonderful friends – family now!! -- in France. While Dado was in the US, Sandra, Jean-Louis, and Michelle all looked after me and the kids.
  • We were invited for dinners, parties, and swimming.
  • They were there every time I needed special help living in France (for example, writing a letter to the bank to cancel an automatic withdraw).
  • They provided emotional support!!

Merci mille fois Sandra, Michelle, and Jean-Louis!! We appreciate everything you do for us, and we are very grateful to have you in our lives.

Here are some photo highlights . . .

Max swinging in the garden

Josey and Victoria playing in the pool

Stephanie sipping margaritas, complete with salt provided by my Aunt Julie

All the kids frolicking in the pool - 9 kids and not a single fight the entire day!

Mmmmm - fresh paella, homemade by Sandra & Jean-Louis. Deeeelicious!

Love to all!!

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