Saturday, January 16, 2010

Snow in the Midi

Last Friday, it snowed all day in our region. Our part of the South of France is referred to as Le Midi. Apparently, as you might imagine, real snow in the South of France is very unusual.

Friday morning, Mike and I headed off for French class in Sete. Our class is at the top of Mt. St. Clair, which is one of the highest points in the area. From the top of Mt. St. Clair you can see the entire l'etang on one side (complete with oyster farms) and the Mediterranean on the other side. Amazing!

One quarter of the way up, the police were turning people around. It was too steep and too snowy to make it to the top. Of course, Mike insisted on trying. No joy. We made it almost to the top before we completely lost traction and had to turn around. Nice try, Dado!

(Side note: This is the same hill we typically ride our bikes up for French class!)

Unfortunately, the snow did not stick in most places. The exceptions were in the Gardiole (the local "forest), where we normally bike ride. Although the snow was absolutely gorgeous . . . amazingly picturesque . . . it was nastily slippery as well. Mike fell twice, and I fell once.

A view from the trail in the Gardiole.

See how funny I look bike riding? I'm wearing so many layers that I look like a colorful snowwoman. Note the bright orange jacket (as if you could miss it). That protects me from the hunters in the Gardiole. They are everywhere!

Hmmm . . . all of these photos are really tiny because they were taken with Dado's iPhone.

Love to all!!

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