Friday, September 26, 2008

The Nitty Gritty Part 4 - The Bouzigues Gym

Here is another nitty gritty post, but this one will be a quickie. Much like a visit to the Bouzigues gym!

The gym is upstairs from the post office, which is about 3 doors down from the school. (BTW: Our post office is only open from 8:30am to 11:30 am, M-F.) So, Mike and I visit the gym right after we drop off the kids.

The gym is about as big as the women’s locker room at Toadal Fitness, and most of the equipment looks like it’s from the 70s. Just check out the leg curl/extension machine (that's an actual chain!) and the free weights (yep, that's all of 'em).

And look at the "cardio area"!

Is the gym better than my rock workout? Peut etre.

Love to all!

1 comment:

Madame Shock said...

I'm still waiting for the Bouziques (sp?!) Rock Workout video to hit the markets!